Freeside – Creation of Tickets in Request Tracker by Billing Events tied to Packages

Objective – To create tickets, using messages templates, in the ticketing system when billing events act upon packages.

  • Create necessary Message Templates (MT) that will be referenced in the Billing Event
  • Create a Service definition to hold the service related information
  • Create a billable Package and assign the Service definition(s)
  • Optional:
    • Create required queue in Request Tracker

Create Message Templates

These Message templates will be used by the billing event to fill in the body of the ticket created in RT.

To create these messages, navigate to Configuration -> Miscellaneous -> Message templates. Click on “Add a new template”. On the page that loads, we need to fill in a bit of information that will be used when the Message template is used later on.

  • The Agent option will only be shown if you have created alternate agents in Freeside.
  • Agent: leave set to “All” unless you have a good reason to specify a specific agent.
  • Template Name: Provide a name for this template.
  • From: Provide an email address to be used when sending emails using this Message template.
  • Bcc: Provide an email address to be used as the BCC address value.
  • Subject: Set a subject line to be used with the Message template.
  • Message body: Create the body content for the Message template.

When done, click “Add template”. You should now see your newly create Message template in the list of templates. Repeat for all needed Message templates.

Create Service definitions

The new service definitions will be used to contain the data that you are wanting to store.

To create the service definitions, navigate to Configuration -> Services -> Service definitions. Click on “Add a new service definition”.

Service Part:

  • Service: Enter the name for this service definition
  • Self-service access: Yes/No (choose if you want access to this service via the self-service portal)
  • Disable new order: Check this to disable this service
  • Preserve this service on Package cancellation: Check this if you want the service to never cancel

Table [select your table type] . Click “help” for additional information about the types available.

You can choose to alter any of the Labels for any of the fields. Additionally, you can force the field value to be required by checking the box in the Required column for the given field.

Once you have made the needed changes, click “Add service”. You will now see your new service listed on the Service definitions page.

Create Package definition

New Package definition will be used for billing the service to a customers account. It will also be used in the Billing event as a trigger for the billing event to take action on.

To create a new package definition, navigate to Configuration -> Packages -> Package definitions. Click on “Add a new package definition”.

One setting that must be set for a cancellation event to trigger the billing event is

About the Author

Jim Lucas

Owner and proprietor of this establishment

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