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gaming:h1z1:leaderboard [2017/12/26 15:16]
gaming:h1z1:leaderboard [2018/01/01 20:21] (current)
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 I found the explanation of the break down of the points system a little lacking.  So I have done some research and found the details that I felt were missing. I found the explanation of the break down of the points system a little lacking.  So I have done some research and found the details that I felt were missing.
-^Tier ^ Solo Score Threshold ^ Duos Score Threshold ^ Fives Score Threshold ^ +^Tier / Level ^^ Solo Score Threshold ^ Duos Score Threshold ^ Fives Score Threshold ^ 
-|Bronze |  1|  1|  1| +|Bronze | V |  1|  1|  1
-|Silver |  350,000|  400,000|  450,000| +| ::: | IV |  75,000|  |  | 
-|Gold |  600,000|  750,000|  750,000| +| ::: | III |  150,000|  |  | 
-|Platinum |  750,000|  900,000|  1,000,000| +| ::: | II |  225,000|  |  | 
-|Diamond |  1,200,000|  1,400,000|  1,750,000| +| ::: | I |  300,000|  |  
-|Master |  1,750,000|  1,800,000|  1,950,000| +|Silver | V |  350,000|  400,000|  450,000
-|Royalty |  1,870,000|  1,925,000|  2,075,000|+| ::: | IV |  400,000|  |  | 
 +| ::: | III |  450,000|  |  | 
 +| ::: | II |  500,000|  |  | 
 +| ::: | I |  550,000|  |  
 +|Gold | V |  600,000|  750,000|  750,000
 +| ::: | IV |  625,000|  |  | 
 +| ::: | III |  650,000|  |  | 
 +| ::: | II |  675,000|  |  | 
 +| ::: | I |  700,000|  |  
 +|Platinum | V |  750,000|  900,000|  1,000,000
 +| ::: | IV |  812,500|  |  | 
 +| ::: | III |  875,000|  |  | 
 +| ::: | II |  937,500|  |  | 
 +| ::: | I |  1,000,000|  |  
 +|Diamond | V |  1,200,000|  1,400,000|  1,750,000
 +| ::: | IV |  1,275,000|  |  | 
 +| ::: | III |  1,350,000|  |  | 
 +| ::: | II |  1,425,000|  |  | 
 +| ::: | I |  1,500,000|  |  
 +|Master | V |  1,750,000|  1,800,000|  1,950,000
 +| ::: | IV |  1,785,000|  |  | 
 +| ::: | III |  1,790,000|  |  | 
 +| ::: | II |  1,795,000|  |  | 
 +| ::: | I |  1,800,000|  |  
 +|Royalty | V |  1,870,000|  1,925,000|  2,075,000
 +| ::: | IV |  1,878,000|  |  | 
 +| ::: | III |  1,885,000|  |  | 
 +| ::: | II |  1,893,000|  |  | 
 +| ::: | I |  1,900,000|  |  |