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linux:database:postgresql:import_with_copy [2019/06/14 10:05]
jlucas created
linux:database:postgresql:import_with_copy [2019/06/14 12:46] (current)
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-By default, when you export data from postgresit does not use a standard CSV format.+Using PostgreSQL.  To export table data, perform the following command:
-  psql -system_user -c "SELECT * FROM table_name" > exported_data.csv+  sudo -system_user psql -d database -c "\copy (SELECT * FROM table_name) to '/tmp/output_data.csv' (format csv, delimiter ',') "
-To correct for the default format of the exportperform this on the exported data:+To import the datause this command:
-  tail exported_data.csv | sed -e "s/ *|/|/g" -e "s/| */|/g" -e 's/^ *//' > input_file.csv +  sudo -u system_user psql -d database -c "\copy table_name FROM '/tmp/import_data.csv' (format csv, delimiter ',')"
- +
-Then, you can import the data like this: +
- +
-  sudo -u system_user psql -d database -c "\copy table_name (specify columns) FROM 'input_file.csv'  (DELIMITER '|', FORMAT CSV, NULL '\N')"+