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linux:monitoring:zabbix:database:postgresql:partitioning [2020/03/31 12:04]
linux:monitoring:zabbix:database:postgresql:partitioning [2020/04/02 08:20] (current)
jlucas [Dump individual Zabbix database tables for testing]
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 ====Dump the entire Zabbix DB==== ====Dump the entire Zabbix DB====
-Use this to dump the entire Zabbix database + schema structure.+dump the entire Zabbix database
-  sudo su _postgresql 
   pg_dump -U zabbix zabbix | gzip -1 > ./zabdb.zabbix.Pg.gz   pg_dump -U zabbix zabbix | gzip -1 > ./zabdb.zabbix.Pg.gz
-===Triggering the Zabbix install screen=== 
-Initial install & configuration instructions: 
-  https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/4.0/manual/installation/install 
 +  pg_dump -U postgres postgres | psql -U zabbix zabbix
-Testing...+====Dump individual Zabbix database tables for testing====
-The history table is by far the largest +The following use of pg_dump and pg_restore performs a data-only backup using the custom-form output option and using INSERTs instead of COPY statements: 
-  pg_dump -U zabbix -t history_uint zabbix | gzip -1 > ./zabdb.zabbix.history_uint.Pg.gz+  pg_dump -U zabbix -a --inserts -t history_str -Fc zabbix | gzip -1 > /var/postgresql/zabdb.zabbix.history_str.Pg.gz   
 +Once the backup is done, drop all data from the table:
 +  psql -U zabbix -c 'truncate history_str;' zabbix
 +Now restore the data to the table:
 +  gunzip -c zabdb.zabbix.history_str.Pg.gz | pg_restore -U zabbix -d zabbix