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linux:utilities:backup_using_dump_restore [2020/03/26 10:11]
linux:utilities:backup_using_dump_restore [2020/03/26 10:26] (current)
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 "dump" a directory structure and compress the data while streaming it via ssh to a remote server. "dump" a directory structure and compress the data while streaming it via ssh to a remote server.
-  cd /parent/path/ +  dump -0af - data_directory | gzip -1 - | ssh user@hostname dd of=image.dump.gz
-  doas dump -0af - data_directory | gzip -1 - | ssh user@hostname dd of=image.dump.gz+
 "restore" a directory structure while using gunzip to decompress the data stream via ssh from a remote server. "restore" a directory structure while using gunzip to decompress the data stream via ssh from a remote server.
-  cd /parent/path/ 
   ssh user@hostname dd if=image.dump.gz | gzip -d | restore -x -f -   ssh user@hostname dd if=image.dump.gz | gzip -d | restore -x -f -